

Akafugu provides consulting services that cover the full spectrum of hardware and software, from custom design of microcontroller-based hardware devices, companion smartphone and desktop applications as well as backend and cloud services.

Our services include hardware prototyping and production and software for embedded devices and web technologies. We can build custom hardware for use in commercial settings, sensor networks, home automation equipment as well as customizations of our current products.

We can help you build a custom hardware device, starting with a hand-built prototype with a custom enclosure. We can handle small-scale production (50-300 devices) directly ourselves, and we can assist with outsourcing of larger scale production.

Examples of our portfolio can be seen in the slideshow above.


We specialize in connected devices and internet of things.

  • Hardware prototypes using Arduino, mbed or MSP430 platforms.
  • Embedded Linux prototypes using Raspberry Pi or Intel Edison
  • Internet communication with WLAN or Ethernet
  • Bluetooth Low Energy communication with smartphones (iOS and Android)
  • NFC
  • Mesh networking (nrf24L01+ etc)
  • Sensors (temperature, humidity, accelerometer, GPS etc.)


We base our firmware platform on a set of hardware peripherals that work well together, and we have assembled a set of reusable drivers to speed up firmware development.

We can customize and add special features to the firmware to fit your application.


For Bluetooth LE (and NFC) applications, we can develop smartphone applications that communicate with your hardware device.

For Ethernet or WLAN devices (devices that are directly connected to the internet), we can provide a custom server platform using node.js with an API (using REST, MQTT, etc.). This platform can also be integrated with your server/cloud platform.

Cloud services: We can help you set up and deploy to Microsoft Azure, and can design services that take full advantage of the Azure ecosystem (authentication, facebook/google/microsoft login, blob storage, scaling, notifications etc.). We can also help you deploy servers to your own hardware, or to other cloud services.

We can also help integrate our services with SMS/email notifications.


Mails in English or Japanese are welcome. メールは英語、日本語ともに対応しています。