Usage Instructions
You will need a USB mini-B cable. Attach the mini-B connector to the Akafuino L, and then attach the other end to your computer.
Arduino IDE version 1.0.1 or newer is required.
Setting up the Arduino IDE
Please refer to the installation page for instructions on how to set up the Arduino IDE to work with the Akafuino L.
Using the Arduino IDE
Once the Akafuino L has been plugged in, open up the Arduino IDE.
Go to the Tools -> Serial Ports menu, and you should see the assigned serial port there. Make sure that it is selected.
Now go to Tools -> Board and select "Akafuino L"
You are now ready to upload a sketch: Select File -> Examples -> Blink and press the Upload button in the toolbar. Once the upload is complete you should see the user led blink.
Make sure you select the correct board type in the Tools -> Board menu. Once that is completed, you can use the upload button in the toolbar to upload your sketch.
Usage as a Debugging Port
Anything you print using the Serial library in Arduino will be printed to the serial port on your computer.
Now, anything you print using Serial.println will be sent through the Akafuino L and to your computer. Click on the Serial Monitor button in the IDE to see the output. Make sure it is set to 9600 bps.
PS: The serial port used for debug printing via the USB port on the Akafuino L is separate from the serial port available on pins 0 and 1. In other words, you can use those two pins for other purposes and still retain the serial capability.