Serial and ISP Breadboard Adapter

Serial and ISP Breadboard Adapter

Parts List

The Serial and ISP Breadboard Adapter comes in two variants:

8MHz version:

The 8MHz version is programmed to run using the internal 8MHz oscillator of the ATMega328P chip. It comes with the following parts:

  • PCB with ISP header as well as LEDs and resistors assembled
  • 40-pin male header strip
  • ATMega328P with 8MHz bootloader [optional, based on bundle chosen]
  • Breadboard [optional, based on bundle chosen]

16MHz version:

The 16MHz version comes with a crystal and two 22pF capacitors. To use it you must connect the crystal between the X1 and X2 ports marked on the PCB

  • PCB with ISP header as well as LEDs and resistors assembled
  • 40-pin male header strip
  • ATMega328P with 16MHz optiboot bootloader [optional, based on bundle chosen]
  • Breadboard [optional, based on bundle chosen]
  • 16MHz crystal
  • 2x 22pF capacitors

Both variants are pre-assembled except for the headers. These must be soldered on before use. See the assembly instructions page for details.

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